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Rather Str. 25
Düsseldorf, 40476 Germany

Januar 2018

Thank God(zilla) It’s Friday im Super7000

26. Januar 2018 @ 18:00 - 22:00
Super7000, Rather Str. 25
Düsseldorf, 40476 Germany

Herzlich Willkommen zur Mutter aller "Fire"abende im Super7000. +++ TGIF - Thank God(zilla) It's Friday +++ Trinken, Essen, Musik und die supersten Menschen! Alles muss, nichts kann! Eintritt frei & Vorfreude7000!

Mehr erfahren » Meetup – The 2018 Kickoff Edition (01/2018)

27. Januar 2018 @ 14:00 - 17:00
Super7000, Rather Str. 25
Düsseldorf, 40476 Germany presents: It's "The 2018 Kickoff Edition". First Meetup of the year. Sadly, since other dates are already booked, this Meetup will take place during the global game jam. The program for our presentation sessions part: This month, the Flying Sheep from Flying Sheep Studios will tell us about the studio's new game "Knights of Fortune" and their production process behind it. This talk has several layers to it, so you will learn important points about project management from studio…

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